Friday, May 25, 2012

Smelly but sweet

We have a nice little veggie and herb garden going at the side of our house - it is truly surprising how much stuff you can grow in a relatively little space.

Hubby loves to grow tomatoes, but hates the fight with the fruit flies that has to happen every year. I also love to reap the benefits of lots of lovely tomatoes, but the thing I love to grow the most is a very humble and often overlooked vegetable - the spring onion.

For real, you cannot kill a spring onion plant. It will grow and grow and give you a free spring onion whenever you need it.l You don't have to love them or care for them much at all - it's all giving and no taking with the spring onion.

I also love the way they look in a cool pot - like some sort of smelly, but architectural, grass.

They are so sweet straight out of the pot that my girls pick them and eat them sometimes when they are outside. I know this because I smell the tell-tale odour of onions on their breath!

They don't love to graze on them as much as they love to graze on the parsley or the strawberries, but they do have a pretty healthy appetite for them when really all they are is just baby onions.

I currently have about six pots of lovely spring onions so I am finding many creative ways to use them - I haven't yet managed to weave them into a pair of wedges but there's still time!

I use them instead of leeks or normal onions in most recipes, and often make these Green Onion Pancakes from Delicious Days. Try them, you won't be sorry.


I do love a nice big flower sprucing up my chest. I have looked all over etsy for just the right flower pin but so far nothing has seemed quite right. So I thought I'd try my hand at making one myself with a piece of felt from the girl's craft box.
It's probably not the colour I would have choosen if I had a choice of all colours, but I think it will look pretty punchy with a grey jumper or jacket. I'm not going to show you the back because I need to figure out a way to make it look nice back there, but I'll keep that hidden.
German VJ Anastasia Zampounidis adds some interest to her dress with this huge pink flower. I like this look - it's something unexpected.
Actress Carolina Crescentini wears are rather fetching floral arrangement with this beautiful dress.

 ... and if it's good enough for the Queen and Lily Allen it's alright by me.

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