Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Staying at home

For some reason my kids do not like to have cushions on a sofa with them. The moment they flop down they toss the artfully arranged cushions to the ground and proceed to spread out without the encumbrance of soft furnishings cramping their style. My voice is worn out with telling them to 'pick up the cushions!' only to have them flung aside minutes later. It's really a battle not worth fighting, except that most of our cushions are white. Stupid I know, but some of them have been with me for longer than the kids!
Finally I have decided to re-cover the damned things so that being tossed on the floor will not result in them always looking dirty, despite being constantly washed.
I have bought from Funky Fabrix in the past when I made curtains for S's bedroom, but until now I haven't had an excuse to buy anymore of their glorious cloth.
So when a package arrived on my doorstep yesterday containing cushion-sized pieces of these fabrics  just waiting to meet my sewing machine, I was jumping with excitement. Yay! Aren't they beautiful... and the best thing is, I have enough left over to make a skirt for myself out of the last one. Very Orla Kiely I think.


Wood you?
My husband is from California. I never knew it, but apparently Californians love wood - they love it everywhere from in the forest to in the house. So any time there is a choice between painted or wood Hubby always goes for wood and I always go for painted ... usually white, very adventurous I know.

But this post by The Coolhunter might make me rethink my wood issues - soft wood on wood looks beautiful in these photos, but I have a morbid fear of the Swiss Chalet look suddenly appearing out of nowhere. I don't think I have the delicacy to touch needed to pull this look off, but I do grudgingly admire it when it's well done.

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